Setting Editor Layout
The layout of the editor can be modified to fit the user's preferences though in a somewhat limited fashion. Due to the nature of the documents we handle we cannot not make specific changes to the look and feel of the content of the documents. The look and feel of the content of the documents are set the by the creators of the document. Nevertheless, we able to provide a few options that determines how the document flows. Using the gear icon, users are able to rotate the document to any angle they want. They can also determine how the document transitions from one page to the next - ie whether the pages flow in one continous motion, or descretely. Users are also able to display two pages on a sheet or one. If the user wants to create more space to view content he/she can toggle the thumbnail in the side bar to off.

Users can the set the default font size, style and color of all the object fields in the document by using the font tool. Using the same tool users can chnage the font parameters of a single object field by selecting that object field before change the font parameters.