Resize, Remove, and Move Object Fields
Single Item Operations
A user can place an object field onto the document by dragging the field from the side bar and dropping it on the page that he/she wants to edit. Please Keep in mind that object fields dropped onto a page cannot be dragged to another page. After dropping the field on the page, users will have several options when he/she wants to re-position the field.
If the user wants to re-position an object field he/she simply drags it in the direction that he/she wants to position it. A single tap or click on an object field also activates the resize handles. The user can position his/her finger over any of the handles and drag it in the direction that he/she wants to expand or reduce the field
![Resize Object](/guide/images/resize_handles.png)
Additional positioning options can be found in the general context menu, which can be retrieved by long pressing for 3 seconds, or right clicking on the object in question. This context menu allows you to, among other things, duplicate the current object field and map this field to a keyword. When you map an object field to a keyword the system will automatically determine the position of the object field in question relative to the keyword you choose, and then replicate the object field and position them at the same relative position to all subsequent keywords.
![General Options](/guide/images/general_options.png)
From the context menu, the user is able to remove a single object, remove all objects, or remove objects of a similar type.
Operating on Multiple Items
If the user wants to duplicate, remove, or restore multiple items at once, the user starts dragging a rectangular section (or pinching the case of a mobile phone) over all the items in question. They can they select the appropriate option to apply it to all of the items.
![Select Multiple Items](/guide/images/multiple_selection.png)
Group Positioning
Users can group object fields so that they can be manipulated as a single item. This is done by dragging a rectangular section (or pinching the case of a mobile phone) over all the objects that are part of the group, and selecting "group" on the context menu that pops up. With all the items now considered part of a group, the user can now move, align, or resize all items simultaneously. The user can also center and align all the items left or right.
![Grouping Items](/guide/images/expanded_general_options.png)