Quickly Find and Redact Text
We have a number of tools that allow you to speed up the document redaction process. First, our platform has OCR search capability, which allow users to search for and hightlight both raw text and text within images. From the search bar, users can easily toggle through the list items returned by our algorithm, and can drag and drop redact boxes over those items that are of interest.

In addition, users can use the magic pen tool to locate and automatically add a redaction box to text that matches a particular pattern. Through natural language processing our platform can automatically locate credit card numbers, urls, emails, and telephone numbers anywhere in the document.

One of the more widely used tools is the text mapping tool. Users can simply drop a redaction object over the text they want to redact. Right click or long press for 3 seconds to bring up a context menu, and map that redaction object to that text throughtout the document. This will automatically assign a redaction object to all instances of the mapped text throughout the document. You can tehn click apply all to demarcate all boxes for redact or change as you see fit.