Requesting Signer Attachments
Users can request that a signatory provide additional documents when he/she is about to sign the document(s). These additional documents can be marked as required, which means that the signatory would have to provide these documents before they are able to access the main document to sign, otherwise it would be optional. To enable signer attachments, the user, when adding recipients during the signature request workflow, clicks the add attachment button. After clicking the attachment button, a prompt would pop up that allows the user to enter a name for the attachment, the user would then click enter to register the name. Upon registering the name, the user can determine whether the attachment is required by enabling the required option. If the user wants to remove the attachment he/she simply clicks the X button that is beside the name of the attachment.

After the document is sent out and the recipient will have a chance to upload a document such as an ID or driver's licence. At this point, the signatory can only upload documents directly from his/her devices. We accept documents of the types:
- svg image
- png image
- bitmap image
- tiff image
- Excel files
- PowerPoint
- Microsoft Word files
- Open Office presentations
- Open Office spreadsheets
- Open Office Word Files