Send Bulk Signature Request
To send a signature request to 2 to 300 people at a time, the user must first go to the endorse page then click Bulk Signature request and then follow a 3-step Bulk request workflow that begins with:
Find and load a single-signer template that was previously created. A single-signer template is a template that requires only one recipient to sign or provide data. This process will load template details that will be used to automatically create the signature request.
The user will then load a CSV file containing the names and email addresses of all the recipients that will review the document(s). The CSV file should contain two columns and an optional third column. The first entry of the first column should be "full_name" and the rest of the first column should have the full name of all recipients. The first entry of the second column should be "email_address", and the rest of the second column should have the email address of the recipients. The optional third column should have a "name_label".
Finally, the user reviews the title and the message associated with the template and adjusts if necessary then sends out the signature requests.