Creating A Template
With some of our plans, the user is able to create templates that can be re-used an unlimited number of times. Templates can also be used when someone needs to send out signature requests in bulk, that is to send a signature request to 2 to 300 people in one go. The user can create a template by going to the endorse page and clicking on create a template, which will launch the 4-step create template workflow.
The user sets the document that he/she wants to use in the template or edits a template that was already saved. The documents can be uploaded from his/her desktop or mobile device or a third-party cloud provider (see How To Upload Documents).
The user moves to add recipients. Here the user will classify the recipient(s) by function or role. For example, the user can add a buyer and a seller, or a landlord and a tenant. While classifying the signatory, the user can also determine the role the signatory will play just as he/she would do when creating a signature request (must sign, Cc, Bcc or fill only). The user is also able to set the order in which the recipients must sign when the template is used in production.
The third step is similar to the third step of Sending Your First Document Out For Signature. The user will have to prepare the document for the data they expect to get from the signatory and or data that they want to be in the document when presented to all recipients. The user will select the document that he/she wants to edit and then click the prepare document button. Clicking the prepare document button launches DocEndorse's editor which, through a drag and drop mechanism, allows the user to identify parts of the document that requires a signature, a date, an initial, additional texts, or a checkmark (see Adding Object Fields for a complete discussion of the full functions and features of the editor). The user must then save all the changes that have been made when he/she is completed and then close the editor. The modified document should then show up under Prepared Documents.
The user enters a unique title for the template and a message to be sent to each recipient if needed. The user then saves the template for later use