Inviting New Team Members
A user with either administrative or team manager permissions can invite new users to his/her team and the platform provided that the account already has enough paid user spots. To invite a new team member, the user can go to the ‘teams’ page and find the team that he/she wants to add a member to, and from the dropdown options associated with the team, select either Add Member or Manage Teams. If Add Member is selected, a popup menu appears that allows the user to enter an email address and a role for the invitee. After the submit button is clicked, an invitation is sent to the email address where the recipient can either accept or reject the invite. Upon accepting the invite, the recipient then goes through the sign-up workflow except that they don't have to pay any additional fee.

If the user selects Manage Team he/she will be redirected to the edit_team page where he/she is able to enter an email for the invitee and press the Invite A Member button to send out the invite.