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User Name


Use A Template

Choose A Template
Identify Recipients
Review Documents
Send Document
STEP 1: Choose A Template
STEP 2: Identify Recipients

Visit settings to change the default actions of the signature request workflow. Please assign a name and an email address to each title

Add Password Require Document(s)


STEP 3: Review Documents

If you need to add items to the document, such as additional text data, you should open the document here and add it.

STEP 4: Send Document
Please enter a title.

You can put template strings in the message that will be filled with the following information, {$fullname} - full name of recipient, {$title} - title of e-sign request, and {$email} - email of recipient. Click to add.

Add an attachment to signature invite (optional)

When sending out a request to sign you can add attachments to the email. For example a cover letter.