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Get A Document Signed

Upload A Document
Add Recipients
Prepare Document
Send Document
STEP 1: Upload A Document

Drag and drop documents to upload them

Upload Find A Document Box Salesforce Clio Clio
STEP 2: Add Recipients

Visit settings to change the default actions of the signature request workflow. With a corporate plan you can request that a user enter a password to access the document(s), and also that he/she provides other document(s) just before he/she signs.

Add Password Require Document(s)

STEP 3: Prepare Document

Click to edit the document, after you have saved changes you will see a tick mark

STEP 4: Send Document

Allows you to reuse this request later without re-doing it. This template can be found in "Templates" or after you clicked the find template button in the "Use template" workflow. This template will have the same title as the title that is set below.

Add an attachment to signature invite (optional)

When sending out a request to sign you can add attachments to the email. For example a cover letter.